The MEL Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program in Marine Environmental Science (URF) aims to encourage undergraduate students to pursue careers in science and technology by providing research opportunities at the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (MEL), Xiamen University.
Applicants must be enrolled as full-time undergraduate students in a STEM field (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) during the period of their URF projects and should be interested in pursuing a career in marine environmental science and/or technology.
• Stipend
MEL will provide fellows with a monthly stipend of 1700 RMB per month (pre-tax) during the implementation of the project (1 to 3 months).
• Travel & Housing
MEL will cover the round-trip travel expenses of fellows. According to the financial regulations of XMU, economy class flight tickets (up to $1000 USD for students from Asia/Africa/Oceania, up to $2000 USD for students from other continents) for international students, and train or bus tickets for Chinese mainland and Hong Kong students will be provided. On-campus accommodations will be provided and accommodation fees covered.
Program Implementation Schedule
· Once admitted, students must contact their supervisors to discuss and prepare for the project.
· Fellows need to complete their research projects at MEL within 1-3 months.
· Fellows are required to attend security trainings organized by the Centre of Major Equipment and Technology (COMET) and equipment trainings of their research group.
· In addition to their research, fellows are welcome to take full advantage of the facilities, seminars and field trips offered by MEL ( usually organized between July and September each year).
· Fellows from Xiamen University are required to help coordinate academic and social activities and assist fellows from other institutions.
Program Finale
· Fellows must give an oral presentation in their research group at the end of their projects and submit a poster to the URF committee within one month after their projects ends.
· Any related project outcomes or publications must acknowledge the support provided by the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (Xiamen University) Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship.
· The Fellowship Committee will evaluate all fellows' performance, issue certificates to those who have completed their projects.
Apply Here: