On the morning of June 1st, 2017, a seminar on strategic cooperation with regard to the Dongshan Swire Marine Station (hereafter referred to as Dongshan Station) was held at Xiamen University, which also marked the official inauguration of the station.
At the seminar, Xiamen University signed the strategic cooperation framework agreement with the Fujian Provincial Department of Ocean and Fisheries and the government of Dongshan County on the joint construction of the Dongshan Station. Meanwhile, a MOU regarding broader strategic partnerships and academic exchanges was also signed by the State Key Laboratory of Coastal Marine Environment of XMU, The Swire Institute of Marine Science, the Research Center for Sustainable Development of Northeastern University, the State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems, Zhongtian Marine System Co Ltd and Xiamen Standards Scientific Instrument Co. Ltd.
The main research mission of Dongshan Station is to monitor the global climate and the influence of environmental change caused by human activities on marine ecosystems. The station will be a long-term and stable platform to monitor environmental factors on the sea-land-atmosphere interface, an open experimental base for marine science and technology, a research and test base for the marine observation instruments, and a base for science education and teaching practice. Among other things, it is hoped that Dongshan Station will evolve into a base of international cooperation for marine observation and experiments.
From June 2 to 3, the 2nd International Advisory Council of Dongshan Station will be held at the Xiangan Campus of XMU to discuss such topics as future system architecture, operational management, long-range planning and international cooperation pertaining to the station.
Original Text: https://en.xmu.edu.cn/2017/0606/c10845a286559/page.htm