
Research Programs

Research center for marine carbon sequestration and biogeochemical processes

NSFC Basic Science Center Program

Principal Investigator: Nianzhi Jiao

Duration: 2022-2026

Budget (10K) : 6000

Project Number: 42188102

Based on the global consensus on carbon neutrality and international research frontiers on ocean negative carbon emissions, Nianzhi Jiao led the launch of Global ONCE, a UN Ocean Decade Programme, in June 2022. Its objective is to provide data, knowledge and best practices to enable society to develop mitigating and adaptative approaches to climate impacts. Global ONCE will establish a network of instrumented marine field stations and research facilities to evaluate such approaches, develop the protocols for initiation and evaluation, undertake and facilitate co-designed interdisciplinary research on key ecosystem carbon processes, build technical and personnel capacity and enhance knowledge exchange between scientists, policy makers, industry, managers and communities. The approaches considered span nature-based interventions to optimize organic carbon sequestration capability alongside biodiversity as well as chemical and engineering technologies. Global ONCE will promote equitable ocean governance of adaptative and mitigative approaches, through enhanced interaction with local, regional and global industries, decision makers and legislators.


Web: https://www.global-once.org

Address: Zhou Long Quan Building, Xiamen University Xiang’an Campus, No. 4221 Xiang’an South Road, Xiamen 361105, China.

Tel: +86-592-2186039

Fax: +86-592-2184101

E-mail: melweb@xmu.edu.cn