近日,高坤山教授等应邀在Frontiers in Marine Science上发表题为“Effects of Ocean Acidification on Marine Photosynthetic Organisms Under the Concurrent Influences of Warming, UV Radiation, and Deoxygena...
2019年4月,我实验室光学海洋学课题组在Remote Sensing of Environment(RSE)期刊上发表题为”High-frequency observation of floating algae from AHI on Himawari-8”的论文。该研究探索了新一代高频气象卫星Hima...
2019年5月6日,我实验室黄邦钦教授团队在Limnology and Oceanography期刊在线发表题为“Potential overestimation of community respiration in the western Pacific boundary ocean: What causes the putative net ...
2019年3月,近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室海洋环境生物学课题组在Journal of phycology期刊上发表题为“The physiological response of marine diatoms to ocean acidification: differential roles of seawater p...
12月24日,我实验室董云伟教授与斯坦福大学 George Somero 教授合作,在 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)(《美国科学院院报》)发表题为“Comparing muta...
近日,高坤山教授课题组在Global Change Biology上发表题为“Adaptive evolution in the coccolithophore Gephyrocapsa oceanica following 1000 generations of selection under elevated CO2”的研究论文,探讨了颗...
2018年3月2日,我实验室高树基研究团队在Nature Communications期刊在线发表题为“Ambient nitrate switches the ammonium consumption pathway in the euphotic ocean”的研究论文,以现场原位速率观测与环境因子调...