The South China Sea Annual Meeting 2023 (SCSAM 2023) will be held at Xiamen University Malaysia, Malaysia on November 3-5, 2023. The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) is pleased to announce the call for abstracts.
Theme of SCSAM 2023
The South China Sea under Climate Change: Multi-scale Dynamics and Their Ecological and Environmental Effects
Sessions and Event
1. Air-Sea Interaction and Climate Variability (Conveners: LIN Xiaopei, HAN Lei)
2. Multi-scale Dynamical Processes in the Ocean (Conveners: LIU Zhiyu, XIE Lingling)
3. Extreme Weather Events and Their Environmental and Ecological Effects (Conveners: WANG Yuntao, WANG Guihua, CHAI Fei)
4. Coupling of Marine Biogeochemical and Dynamical Processes (Conveners: CAO Zhimian, LUO Ya-Wei)
5. Coastal Wetlands and Coral Reef Ecosystems' Response to Global Change (Conveners: CHEAH Wee, CHEN Luzhen)
6. Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence Oceanography (Conveners: DONG Changming, SHANG Shaoling)
7. Early Career Forum (Conveners: WANG Chuanyin, LIN Wenqiang, YU Xiaolong, WANG Zhixuan)
Abstract Submission Timeline
² Jun 1-Jul 20, 2023: Abstract Submission
² Jul 31, 2023: Abstract Acceptance Notification
² Oct 15, 2023: Scientific Program Posted
How to Submit Abstract
Please submit your abstract to scsam2023@xmu.edu.cn or through SCSAM 2023 website (under construction) by July 20, 2023. If you have any questions, please contact the LOC or secretariat of SCSAM 2023 via email.
Registration Fees
Regular: 2000MYR | Student: 1000MYR
State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University
College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University
China-ASEAN College of Marine Sciences, Xiamen University Malaysia
COASTAL-SOS (A project endorsed by United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development):
Coastal Zones Under Intensifying Human Activities and Changing Climate: A Regional Programme Integrating Science, Management and Society to Support Ocean Sustainability
Organizing Committee of SCSAM
ZHENG Quan’an, HU Jianyu, LIN Mingsen, QI Yiquan
Members (Alphabetical order by surname):
CHAI Fei, DONG Changming, GAN Jianping, GUAN Yuping, HO Chung-Ru, HU Jianyu, HUANG Ruixin, JING Zhiyou, LIANG Xiangsan, LIN Mingsen, LIN Xiaopei, LIU Zhiqiang, LIU Zhiyu, PAN Aijun, PAN Jiayi, QI Yiquan, SONG Jun, TIAN Jiwei, WANG Dongxiao, WANG Guihua, WEI Zexun, WU Chau-Ron, XIE Lingling, XU Hongzhou, XU Jie, ZHENG Quan’an
Local Organizing Committee
Chair: LIU Zhiyu
Members: SHI Dalin, CHAI Fei, HU Jianyu, LIM Phaik Eem, SHANG Shaoling, CAO Zhimian, LUO Ya-Wei, HAN Lei, LIN Hongyang
The South China Sea Annual Meeting (SCSAM) is a series of international academic conferences that are organized voluntarily by scholars engaged in ocean science research in the South China Sea and its adjacent sea area. The Organizing Committee of SCSAM coordinates the event and selects host institutions. The first conference was hosted by Xiamen University in 2013, and nine successful events have been held since then, hosted by Guangdong Ocean University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the First Institute of Oceanography of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Hohai University, the Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fudan University, Guangdong Ocean University, and Jiangxi Normal University.
The South China Sea Annual Meeting 2023, the 10th annual Meeting, is hosted by the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (Xiamen University), the College of Ocean and Earth Sciences (Xiamen University), and China-ASEAN College of Marine Sciences (Xiamen University Malaysia) with the agreement of the Organizing Committee of SCSAM.
Important Dates
Jun 1, 2023: Abstract Submission Begins
Jul 20, 2023: Abstract Submission Closes
Jul 31, 2023: Registration Fee Payment Begins
Oct 15, 2023: Scientific Program Posted
Nov 3, 2023: Early Career Forum
Nov 4-5, 2023: South China Sea Annual Meeting
Nov 6, 2023: Xiamen University Malaysia Campus Tour
Secretariat of SCSAM 2023
Ms. HUANG Ying (Coordination)
Mr. ONG Soon How (Registration & Logistics)
Ms. WANG Guanfei (Visa)
Email: scsam2023@xmu.edu.cn
Tel: +86-592-2181571/ +603-8705-5208