
目前在研国家自然科学基金“亚热带河流-河口界面氨氮污染转运的主控过程(41676098)”和“红树林-河口系统氨氮的转化与横向输出(41976138)”,聚焦河流-河口-湿地界面过程与效应,通过高分辨率观测和培养实验,结合同位素化学计量和分子生物学技术,与程鹏、郭卫东、余凤玲等多位PI合作,重点开展物理-生地化耦合过程研究。系列研究成果已在JGR-Biogeosciences、Biogeochemistry、Science of the Total Environment、Journal of Hydrology、Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science等期刊上发表。

如有兴趣了解陈能汪博士的更多情况,欢迎访问其个人主页/teacherfile.asp?tid=500 或联系nwchen@xmu.edu.cn。
Nengwang Chen, a researcher dedicated to watershed-coastal environmental science and sustainable development
Coastal areas are some of the most densely populated and economically important parts of the world. So, it should come as no surprise to hear they are suffering under the combined impact of human activities and climate change. Issues such as nutrient overloading leading to eutrophication of coastal waters, harmful algal blooms, dead zones, and acidification plague these areas and nowhere is this more true than in developing nations. However, solutions to these challenges have been few and far between, due to the historical separation of science and management of these areas. Dr. Nengwang Chen is trying to rectify this disconnect through his work.
Dr. Chen is a professor of environmental biogeochemistry in the College of the Environment and Ecology and director of the Department of Environmental Science, Xiamen University. He is also the deputy director for the Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory for Coastal Ecology and Environmental Studies. But at his heart, he is a researcher. Specifically, Dr. Chen seeks to understand how anthropogenic stressors impact the watershed-coast system. His studies focus on major process and controls of nutrient, carbon and oxygen at key interfacial systems (reservoir, estuary, bay, wetland). His lab is making a much clearer picture of how human activities and climate change are threatening our coastal environment.
However, Nengwang Chen does more than just spend his time out in the field and lab, analyzing samples and elucidating data. He and other faculties are involved with the national key research and development project to build the nation’s ecological security in highly urbanized areas and to integrate ecological restoration methods along some of Fujian province’s river deltas. In this sense, Nengwang represents what researchers are today – no longer trapped in a bubble of publications and data but rather working with other experts in a truly interdisciplinary manner to solve critical environmental issues. In fact, his entire research group, is dedicated to bridging scientific research and management practices – in order to achieve not only environmental protection but also sustainable use of our precious coastal resources.
For more information on Dr. Chen’s research please visit his webpage at /teacherfile.asp?tid=500 or contact him via email (nwchen@xmu.edu.cn)