1-What should we know about corals and its ecosystem?
They are animals, made of tiny polyps (looks like upside-down jellyfish)
Plants (micro algae) live inside of them
Two kinds (Soft corals & Hard corals (reefs builder)
Thousands of coral polyps creating the colonies, that building the reefs, by its community structure and function
2-Coral reefs importance:
Support 500 million people globally since reported in 2008 till now, by different ways:
3-Coral reefs situation around the world:
They remain to be amongst the most endangered ecosystems on earth.
4-Can we protect these natural resources and wealth?
Yes, and we can rehabilitate it, with a scientific technology bases, and different techniques and management plans.
Dr. Amro Abdelgawad is the director of marine habitat restoration program and a foreign expert at the Third Institute of Oceanography (TIO), Asia-pacific economic corporation (APEC), Marine Sustainable Development Center, Xiamen. He received his Ph.D. from A1-Azhar University Cairo, Egypt, and performed postdoctoral research at the America University in Cairo (AUC). Dr. Amro Abdelgawad’s research focuses on marine ecology, environment, and climate change. He is the leading author of the IPCC special report (SROCC) on "Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate in the world 2019", Chapter 4: Sea Level Rise and Implications for Low Lying Islands, Coasts, and Communities, since 2017. He is also the chief executive officer of EnviReDo firm since 2018, and a project general coordinator of UNDP/GEF. He holds a patent regarding coral rehabilitation (REEF DOMETM).
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