Predicting changes of phytoplankton communities in response to global warming is one of the challenges of ecological forecasting. One of the constraints is the paucity of general principles applicable to community ecology. Based on a synecological analysis of a decadal-scale database, we created a niche habitat classification scheme relating nine phytoplankton groups to fifteen statistically refined realized niches comprised of three niche dimensions: temperature, irradiance, and nitrate concentrations. The niche scheme assigned the nine phytoplankton groups to three types of niches: a cold type, a warm type, and a type associated with high irradiance and high nitrate concentrations. The fact that phytoplankton groups in cold niches were governed by irradiance and those in warm niches by nitrate is consistent with general ecological theories, but the fact that diatoms were the only dominant group in high-irradiance, high-nitrate niches challenges the idea based on autecological studies that diatoms are generally better adapted to low-irradiance, high-nutrient conditions. When combined with an irradiance model, the niche scheme revealed that photoinhibition ofProchlorococcus, which is predicted from autecological studies, is a function of temperature. We used the niche scheme to predict the responses of phytoplankton communities to environmental changes due to seawater warming and eutrophication. The results of the study suggest that a synecological analysis of large databases from field studies facilitates identification of general principles of community ecology that can be used to forecast responses of biological communities to environmental changes.
博士后肖武鹏,合作导师为黄邦钦教授,2019年国家“博士后创新人才支持计划(博新计划)”获得者,近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室“杰出博士后”获得者,福建省“优秀博士学位论文”获得者,2018年“博士研究生国家奖学金”获得者。主要研究方向为海洋浮游植物生态学,在研究边缘海浮游植物群落演变及其对全球变化的响应模式方面取得了一系列进展,相关成果两次发表于环境科学与生态学顶级期刊《Water Research》(IF=9.13),获中国海洋与湖沼学会颁发的2019年度“中国藻类学研究优秀论文奖”二等奖。目前已发表论文18篇,其中以第一作者发表SCI论文6篇(一区、二区各3篇)。近年来主持博后基金面上项目1项(厦大同批次唯一一等资助),参与国家自然科学基金委面上项目及青年基金各1项。