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MEL Seminars|意大利CNR- ISMAR研究所系列讲座

发布时间:2024/10/10     浏览次数:
主讲人:Andrea Storto等
联系人:刘琰冉 2880169





Introduction of Institute of Marine Science, National Research Council of Italy

Dr. Chunxue Yang

The importance of high-resolution modelling: from a little cape in the Mediterranean Sea to fjords in the Arctic

Dr. Marcello Magaldi & Roberta Sciascia

Exploring ocean dynamics using reanalyses and numerical models

Dr. Andrea Storto & Chunxue Yang


Andrea Storto is Research Scientist at the Institute of Marine Sciences, National Research Council (CNR) of Italy. His research focuses on data assimilation for oceanographic, climate, coupled and data-sparse applications, development of reanalyses, optimal ensemble generation, observing system assessment, and large-scale oceanography in general. Member of several international panels, he has been chairing the WCRP CLIVAR Panel on Global Synthesis and Observations, and is now co-chairing the NEMO working group on machine learning and uncertainty quantification. He has experience in the coordination of national and international projects (e.g. CMEMS, EU ROP, C3S, PNRR, etc.), in teaching numerical modeling and data assimilation within master degree courses and doctoral schools, in roles with editorial responsibility (PLOS, Frontiers, Ocean Sciences, etc.), and participated in several evaluation boards of international programmes. He coauthors more than 85 peer-reviewed articles in journals with impact factor. C2-315, Xiping Building)

Roberta Sciascia is a researcher at CNR-ISMAR in Lerici, La Spezia. She has a Ph.D. in Fluid Dynamics at Polytechnic of Turin, Italy. She has been a PostDoc Fellow at MIT Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences department She is interested in physical oceanography and in the interaction between ocean dynamics at mesoscale and submesoscale with other compartments of the climate systems such as the cryosphere and marine ecosystems. She uses a combination of high-resolution numerical models and observations. In particular, she has been studying the interaction between submarine ice and ocean currents in Greenland fjord and the role of currents in the transport of larvae and connectivity of vulnerable marine ecosystems such as gorgonians (i.e. soft corals). She has been involved and in the coordination team of several European projects.C2-315, Xiping Building)

Marcello Magaldi is a senior researcher and physical oceanographer at the National Research Council since 2011, at CNR-ISMAR, Lerici, La Spezia, Italy. Ph.D. in Meteorology and Physical Oceanography from the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Florida, USA. PostDoc Fellow from 2009 to 2011 at the Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, USA. Mainly interested in the physical oceanography of coastal areas and subarctic basins, using above all high-resolution numerical circulation models and HF radar observations. Adjunct professor at the University of Genoa, coordinator of the European Project IMPACT and PI of several other EU projects. Chair of the EuroGOOS Task Team dedicated to Fixed Platforms and Italian national representative of the Joint European Research Infrastructure for Coastal Observatories (JERICO) initiative.C2-307, Xiping Building)

Chunxue Yang is a researcher at CNR-ISMAR in Rome. Her main research topics are understanding ocean and climate dynamics using ocean reanalyses, numerical models and observations. She finished her Ph.D. in 2012 in Physical Oceanography from Texas A&M University with a Ph.D. thesis on the long-term change of ENSO in ensemble reanalyses and coupled climate models. In the last ten years, she has been working on conducting an ensemble of historical ocean reanalyses (1900-2010) by using different atmospheric forcing and data assimilation strategies. Meanwhile, she has been working on the comparison and validation of ocean reanalyses at a global scale and investigating the North Atlantic climate change by using ocean reanalyses. She also worked on the impact of stochastic physics on ENSO variability in coupled climate models. She has been coordinating the Copernicus Climate Service Evaluation and Quality Control (EQC) project on the assessment of essential climate variables focusing on ocean variables from observations and reanalyses products. She has contributed to assessing ocean variables from observations and reanalyses by intercomparing different products and investigating the consistency of different variables by conducting ocean process studies at the global scale. She has coordinated Copernicus Marine Service project on the intercomparison of ocean reanalyese in the tropical oceans and meso-scale eddies. Currently, her team is also working on compound extreme events and eddy predictability.C2-304, Xiping Building)

Paolo Mauriello is a Ph.D student in CNR-ISMAR. He graduated in physics in Naples, last year, in physics applied to medicine. The thesis topic was on Cone Beam CT. Now, he is in a first year phd student in physics at the University of Salerno and researcher at CNR-ISMAR in Rome. The research topic is on the study of mesoscale eddies in the Atlantic Ocean, mainly the North Atlantic and up to the Arctic. In particular, the focus of the research is on the tracking of vortices which are characterized by unique parameters to identify them. These are important in the calculation of heat fluxes and matter transport in the ocean. The study area is subject to an important current for the transport of matter such as the Gulf Stream. The working methodology is based on the study of the vortices and parameters such as temperature and speed of the vortex, from data obtained from simulation using Nemo. A code language such as Python and in particular libraries such as numpy, xarray, pandas and pyEddytracker, are used to analyze the main oceanic and gyre parameters.C2-304, Xiping Building)