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法国环境与气候实验室Christophe Rabouille教授选修课通知

发布时间:2011/06/21     浏览次数:

法国环境与气候实验室Christophe Rabouille教授选修课通知

受戴民汉、王桂芝老师的邀请,来自法国环境与气候实验室(LSCE)的Christophe Rabouille 教授(近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室杰出访问学者)将于6月21日-7月23日访问4166金沙之选主页通道,开展合作研究,并开设一门研究生选修课,具体情况如下:

授课教师:Christophe Rabouille 教授

课程名称:Early Diagenesis and sediment biogeochemistry: from data to processes and modeling



6月29日(星期三) 9:00-11:00 曾呈奎楼B-105

7月8日(星期五) 9:0012:00 曾呈奎楼B-206

7月11日(星期一) 14:30-17:30 曾呈奎楼B-206





Sediments are a major compartment for ocean and freshwater biogeochemistry. They receive particles from the water column and exchange nutrients back to the water which largely contributes to the recycling function of the ecosystem. Furthermore, sediment are the ultimate repository of organic matter and associated nutrients and influence long term biogeochemical cycles.

In this course, I describe the observations which are possible to perform on sediments, the processes that govern the recycling of C, N, Si, O2in marine and freshwater sediment (transport and transformation), and then introduce the mathematical modelling of early diagenesis. The course will end with practical modelling work on real oceanic sediment data.

Course 1: Introduction and sediment observation

Course 2: C, N, Si, O2cycle in marine and freshwater sediment

Course 3: Transport and transformation in surficial sediments

Course 4: Mathematical modelling of early diagenesis

Course 5: Practical work on real sediment data

Requirements: Aquatic biogeochemistry, marine carbon cycle, basic differential equations
