国际著名病毒学家Curtis A. Suttle教授将于10月14日为厦大师生作一场南强讲座。欢迎老师同学们前来交流讨论!
Viruses: the greatest diversity on Earth and drivers of global ecosystems
主讲人:Curtis Suttle教授,加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学地球与海洋科学系教授,英属哥伦比亚大学科学院副院长
时间: 2010年10月14日(星期四)19:00
教授主要研究领域为病毒多样性及其在全球循环中的作用;发表了包括Nature、Science和Proceedings of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences等顶尖学术刊物在内的科学论文100余篇。
Despite their tiny size, viruses are by far the most abundant “life-forms” on Earth, and exist wherever life is found. If stretched end-to-end, the estimated 1030 viruses in the ocean, would span farther than the nearest 60 galaxies. Viruses probably infect all living organisms from plankton to whales, thereby influencing the composition of marine communities, causing disease in organisms, and driving nutrient and energy cycling. Every second there are about 1023 viral infections in the ocean, which potentially can introduce new genetic information into an organism, and thereby drive the evolution of the viruses and the organisms they infect. Our understanding of the impact of viruses on global systems continues to unfold, overthrowing the paradigm that viruses are minor players global processes.