MEL Seminar:
Development of High-Resolution and Flexible Model for the Global Ocean and Sea Ice – Progress and Outlook
报告专家:徐世明 副教授(清华大学)
报告时间:2023年4月21日(星期五) 10:00-11:30
主持人:段安民 教授

Abstract: High-resolution models are indispensable tools for studying the ocean’s multi-scale processes. With the wide availability of high-performance computing platforms, high-resolution models are becoming more available for climate studies and ocean coupled operations. In this report, I will introduce recent development of a new flexible ocean model, OMARE, which is capable to carry out high-resolution simulation of the ocean with adaptive mesh refinement (AMR). Specifically, submesoscale processes are targeted for AMR and studied with an idealized Western Boundary Current (WBC) test case. OMARE can capture the dynamically changing processes of the ocean’s mesoscale and submesoscale with the refinement to 400m. Besides, the adaptive refinement also greatly improves the model’s computability, with reasonable simulated speed on various large-scale HPC platforms. The presentation will also summarize future research plan and directions for multi-resolution modeling of the global ocean and the coupled system.