A heatwave event is defined as daily maximum temperature exceeding the 90th percentile of a threshold for at least 3 days. During the recent years, extreme heatwaves occurred frequently in the Northern Hemisphere, resulting in extensive loss of life, a spate of horrific wildfires, and so on. This talk uses observational data and climate models to show why extreme heatwave events occurred in the past and what extreme heatwaves look like in the future. Several atmospheric circulation patterns are identified in association with the development, mature and decaying phases of the heatwaves. Climate models from the coupled model intercomparison project phase 6 show that greenhouse gases are the main reason for the long-term increase of average daily maximum temperature during the past and future. Model simulations show that the occurrence probability of extreme heatwave events will increase 32% in the coming years and the summer will last 175 days under a scenario of global warming by 2100. The talk will also discuss the potential roles of the oceans in extreme weather events and briefly review the impacts of three-ocean interactions (the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans) on climate and extreme weather events.
王春在,中国科学院南海海洋研究所特聘研究员,热带海洋环境国家重点实验室主任,国家高层次人才引进计划专家,中国科学院学术帅才,教育部长江学者。主要从事海洋-大气相互作用和气候变化等方面的研究。在《Nature》、《Nature Climate Change》、《Science Advances》等国际学术期刊发表SCI论文178篇,其中第一作者61篇,H-指数为58,入选爱思唯尔(Elsevier)全球论文高被引科学家,英国路透社气候变化领域全球最具有影响力的1000位科学家。曾是国际期刊《Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans》的主编、《Journal of Climate》的副主编,受邀撰写政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第五次评估报告第14章,国际“气候变化及可预报性研究计划”泛美海区气候过程研究项目(CLIVAR/IASCLIP)的联合主席。现任国际“气候变化及可预报性研究计划”热带洋盆相互作用(CLIVAR/TBI)委员会委员、ENSO理论概念模式(CLIVAR/ECM)工作组成员。