Call for Session/Mini Workshop Proposals
The Fourth Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences (XMAS-IV, http:/conference/4xmas) will be held in Xiamen from Jan 6th to 9th, 2019. The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) is pleased to announce the call for session/mini workshop proposals.
Theme of XMAS-IV
The Changing Ocean Environment: From a Multidisciplinary Perspective
Proposal Submission Timeline
> May 15, 2018 session/mini workshop proposal submission closes
> May 31, 2018 session/mini workshop proposal acceptance notification
> June 15, 2018 abstract submission opens
Financial Support
> Limited financial support will be available for each session to subsidize travel and accommodation expenses of the conveners and/or invited speakers.
> Application for financial support should be submitted along with session proposals.
Important Guidelines
> Session proposals with broader themes and larger scales are preferred, and session proposals with strong overlaps will likely be merged. This is so as to minimize repetition and to build a program with sessions that are fewer but larger and stronger.
> If a session has less than 10 accepted abstracts, the SAC/LOC reserves the right to merge it with another session.
> Mini workshop should focus on hot topics or emerging research areas. At least 3 speakers must be included in a proposal.
> Co-conveners are preferably from different institutions.
> Co-conveners are encouraged to submit abstracts to their own sessions as well as other sessions.
> The SAC/LOC may request revisions to some proposals.
> Session/mini-workshop conveners' scheduling requests will be considered by SAC/LOC but cannot be guaranteed. The actual time allocation will vary according to the number of accepted abstracts. Sessions/mini-workshops can be scheduled from Sunday (Jan 6) evening to Wednesday (Jan 9) afternoon.
Information Required in the Proposals
> Relevance to the theme of XMAS-IV
> Session/Mini-workshop Title
> Session/Mini-workshop Description – maximum 400 words, including focus, scope, and objectives
> Name, affiliation and email of each co-convener
> Name, affiliation and email of invited and proposed speakers (if any)
> Budget for financial support application
How to Submit Session Proposals
Please submit your proposal to the LOC via email ( by May 15, 2018.
If you have any questions, please contact the LOC via email.

The Fourth Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences
Jan 6-9, 2019
Xiamen, China
About the Conference
To foster knowledge and ideas exchange within the marine environmental science community and, in particular, to promote interdisciplinary studies, the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (MEL, http:/en) of Xiamen University initiated the Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences (XMAS), with the overarching theme of The Changing Ocean Environment: From a Multidisciplinary Perspective. The XMAS-III (http:/conference/3xmas/) was held in Jan 2017, attracting over 620 participants from more than 140 institutions across 21 countries.
The fourth iteration, XMAS-IV, will be held in Xiamen from January 6th to 9th, 2019. The symposium will consist of different, interconnected sessions covering physical oceanography, marine biogeochemistry, biological oceanography, and marine ecotoxicology along with workshops for emerging topics in marine environmental sciences.
Important Dates
May 15, 2018: Session/Mini Workshop Proposal Submission Closes ⛳
May 31, 2018: Session/Mini Workshop Proposal Acceptance Notification ⛳
Jun 15, 2018: Abstract Submission Opens ⛳
Aug 31, 2018: Abstract Submission Closes
Sep 30, 2018: Abstract Acceptance Notification
Oct 1-31, 2018: Registration
Nov 15, 2018: Scientific Program Announced
Jan 6-9, 2019: Conference
Scientific Advisory Committee
Robert Aller, Sophie Bonnet, Chris Bowler, Minhan Dai, Bojie Fu, Ken Furuya, Jianping Gan, Nianzhi Jiao, Paul Lam, Cindy Lee, Kitack Lee, Zhiyu Liu, Lisa Miller, David Mohrig, Mark Moline, Bo Qiu, Tom Rippeth, Robin Robertson, Walker Smith, Curtis Suttle, Gray Williams.
State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University
Department of Earth Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
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