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2023 MEL Visiting Fellowship Program Guide for Applicants



To encourage collaborative and multidisciplinary research, the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University (MEL) launched the Visiting Fellowship Program in 2009, which provides supports for visiting scholars to do collaborative research in Xiamen for 1-6 months.

支持领域 | Supported Fields


The fellowship supports research in the general area of marine environmental science with emphases on ocean carbon biogeochemistry, ocean nitrogen biogeochemistry, marine biogeochemistry of organic matter and metals, marine microbial ecology, ecological processes of plankton, ecological impacts of ocean acidification and UV radiation, ecotoxicological effects of marine pollutants, ocean dynamics and ecosystem response, ocean observation, and other disciplines related to the scientific questions with which MEL is concerned.

申请条件 |  Requirements

l 申请人须有博士学位。

The applicant must have a PhD degree.

l 申请人的项目合作者须有一名MEL固定科研人员

The applicant must have a collaborative partner of MEL faculty prior to application.

基金种类 |  Types

l 杰出(包括郑重杰出)访问学者基金/Distinguished (Zhengzhong Distinguished) Visiting Fellowship


Distinguished scholars at home and abroad are invited to Xiamen to carry out scientific research cooperation for 1-6 months. This Fellowship provides a monthly allowance of 50,000 Yuan and other work and living resources specified in the program.

l 高级访问学者基金/Senior Visiting Fellowship


Outstanding scholars at home and abroad, mainly for scholars with doctoral degrees for more than 5 years, are invited to Xiamen to carry out scientific research cooperation for 1-6 months. This Fellowship provides a monthly allowance of 30,000 Yuan and other work and living resources specified in the program.

l 青年访问学者基金/Young Scientist Visiting Fellowship


Outstanding young scholars at home and abroad, mainly for young scholars who have graduated with a doctorate within 5 years, are invited to Xiamen to carry out scientific research cooperation for 1-6 months. This Fellowship provides a monthly allowance of 15,000 Yuan and other work and living resources specified in the program. Successful candidates are encouraged to apply for up to 20,000 Yuan in research funding from MEL.

支持方式 |  Supports


Travel expenses and accommodation, laboratories and office facilities, monthly allowance (15,000-50,000 CNY before tax), and research fund (Young Scholar only).

管理办法 |  Management Regulations


申请方式 |  How to Apply

1. 申请人必须提前联系国重室相关研究方向的科研人员,征得其同意作为项目合作者(注:所有资助均由近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室与申请人的合作者按照3:1的比例承担。)

The applicant should contact at least one MEL faculty member and receive preliminary acceptance from his or her intended collaborator at MEL in advance of the application process. (All support will be covered at a 3:1 ratio by MEL and the applicant’s MEL collaborative partner).

2. 通过网站在线申请。

Please visit program webpage to apply online.

3. 项目每年315日、815日、1115日对申请材料进行汇总和评审,并于1个月内公布评审结果并通知申请者。

Reviews are organized three times a year (March 15, August 15 and November 15). The outcome will be announced within a month of the deadline.

联系方式 |  Contact

项目秘书/Program Secretary:黄迎 Ying Huang


