From providing jobs to food resources and a much needed escape from daily stresses, the ocean is a crucial part of life on Earth. And since 1992’s Rio Conference, people and nations the world over have celebrated this amazing life sustaining system each year on June 8th.
As a part this year’s celebrations, we have asked people from around the world to share what it is they know or love about the ocean and will be uploading some each day beginning June 1 all the way through June 8. From these short videos, one can see that no matter how old you are, where you are, or what you do for a living, the ocean touches us all. And it’s up to us to make sure the it is around for generations to enjoy.
If, after viewing these videos, you feel inspired to share your own ocean story, please do so by emailing us at coseechina.xiamen@gmail.com with your story, experience or fact. We will collect as many as possible and share them with the world throughout the rest of the year. Just put “Ocean Stories” in the subject line and be sure to tell us your name and location (i.e. Xiamen, China; Miami, Florida, etc.).
如果你观看完这些视频后,也按捺不住和我们分享你的海洋故事的心情,请录制视频讲述你和海洋的故事、或你了解的有关海洋的知识点,并将视频发送到邮箱coseechina.xiamen@gmail.com。在2020年,我们希望能尽可能多地收集更多人的故事,并将它们和全世界分享。发送邮件时,请记得在邮件主题中写上“Ocean Stories”(海洋故事),并告知我们您的名字和所在地(如:中国厦门;迈阿密,佛罗里达,等)。
Help us spread love and wonder for the ocean.
Ocean Facts
1.How many oceans are there on Earth? The answer may suprise you.
4166金沙之选主页通道海洋科普协调员Emily King将在下面的视频中告诉你们正确的答案…
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2.We all know what waves are and how the occur. . . or do we? Join Han Lu as she introduces you to another type of wave.
或许你知道海面上的波浪,但是,你知道海洋内部的波浪吗?美国北卡罗来纳教堂山分校的HAN Lu来给你揭秘这种海洋内部的波~
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3.We all have enjoyed a fish dinner at some point. But what to plankton biologists have to do with that fish on your plate? Listen to He Haoyang (also known as Mr. Happy), explain the connection.
我相信你们一定吃过鱼。但是,你们知道浮游生物学家对你们碗中美味的鱼是怎么看的吗? 下面,我们来听听4166金沙之选主页通道的何浩洋来给我们一探究竟。
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4.Ever wonder what the connection is between the ocean and, say, the tallest mountain in the world? Or the flat plains of the savannah? The answer is easier than you think.
你知道海洋和世界上最高的山脉,或者一马平川的原野有什么关系吗?它们的联系其实可能比你想象中的要简单得多了~请跟随4166金沙之选主页通道海洋科普专员Emily King一起来了解一下吧~
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5.We all know the ocean is teeming with life. But most of that life is invisible to the naked eye. Yet these microscopic organisms are key to our survival on the planet.
我们都知道海洋中有许多生命。但是,你知道吗,它们中的大多数都是肉眼看不见的。而这些微型生物,却恰恰对我们的地球系统十分重要。 在这个视频中,我们跟随香港城市大学的James Ducker来看看海洋中的微型生物——浮游生物。
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6.Coral reefs are amazingly beautiful systems. Yet how much do you know about the corals themselves?
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7.What’s the link between melt ponds and global warming? Click here to find out!
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8.When we think of ocean resources, most of us immediately think of fish. But what else does the ocean provide? Listen as Cathy Christopher explains in more detail all the things we get from the ocean.
当说到“海洋资源”,可能你脑海中第一个念头便是“鱼”。但是,除了鱼以外,还有什么呢?下面请跟随着Ocean First Education的Cathy Christopher,听她介绍一下丰富的海洋资源吧~
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9.The role of the ocean in keeping the planet cool is a challenging one to understand (even for scientists!). Listen to Gu PingTing (顾娉婷) from Ocean University of China break it down and explain exactly why we need to pumping greenhouse gases into the air.
海洋对于我们的地球 来说,其中一个很重要的作用便是“储热罐”——调节气候、让地球温度不至于过热。但是,由于气候变暖,现在我们的海洋仿佛成了“火药桶”……在下面的视频中,我们聆听一下中国海洋 大学的顾娉婷的讲解。
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10. 我们每天都能见到各式各样的塑料制品,然而你了解什么是“微塑料”吗?它从哪里来,最终又到哪去了呢?听听4166金沙之选主页通道的Jiachen是怎么说的吧~
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Why I Love the Ocean
1.What is it that ties us to the sea, even when we are far away from it? Listen as John Fowler describes his unique connection to ocean.
就算距离海洋很远,或许你也和它有着不一样的联系…下面,我们一起来听听英国考文垂大学的John Fowler和大家分享他和海洋的连结~
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2.Even if you don’t go swimming, the ocean can provide the perfect backdrop for other activities too.
你是因为什么而爱上海洋的呢?是因为它的神秘、广阔……亦或是在其中遨游的神奇生物?来自澳大利亚的Mark Nazzari将在这个视频中为你讲述他“爱上海洋”的原因~
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3.You don't have to have a marine related job to love the ocean and be mesmerized by it. Don't believe me? Just listen to pilot Brett Pardoe-Wherton talk about his connection with the sea.
热爱海洋,不需分行业!就算你从事的行业和海洋相距十万八千里,你也可能爱上它、为它而着迷~不信?请听听飞行员Brett Pardoe-Wherton和我们分享他的海洋情结。
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4.For many, the connection to the ocean is instantaneous. It's part of us from the day we are born. For others, this connection can develop much later.
对于很多人来说,和海洋的连接仅发生在一瞬间。有些人自出生来到这个世上起的那天,海洋就成为了他们的一部分;而有些人,则在后续的人生路上和海洋产生这种独特奇妙的联系。 下面视频中,我们来听听美国华盛顿基督复临大学的Dr. Reginald Garcon分享他和海洋之间的丝丝缕缕联系~
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5.Listen to our youngest contributors, Océane and Céleste, as they tell you what it is they find special about the ocean and let them inspire you to discover this ecosystem and take action!
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6.New Zealanders are known for being connected to the ocean. Hear from one in his own words why the ocean is special.
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7.We all have reasons to love the ocean. However, the reasons ocean scientists love it might be different than yours. Listen to one oceanographer as he explains what it is that fascinates him about the big blue see. The answer may surprise you.
喜爱海洋,可以有成千上万种理由。而海洋科学家们的理由,可能与你的相差十万八千里! 下面,听听海洋学家Abed给我们讲一下他喜欢海洋的原因吧~
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8.Most of us go to the beach just to have some fun in the sun and return with nothing more than happy memories and the occasionally sunburn. But, if you look really really closely, you might find that the shore has more to offer than just waves and sand.
你去海滩,例牌活动是不是就是海边戏水和享受日光浴呢?但其实,海滩里面还有很多有趣的东西值得你去探索……在下面这个视频中,香港大学的Jay Minuti将会带我一起探索不一样的海滩!
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9.你们是否记得,我们在之前视频导语中曾说过,爱海洋,理由千千万万。那今天,我们就来看看,密歇根州立大学科学节的负责人Roxanne Truhn讲讲她爱上海洋的原因——鲸鱼。
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Studying the Ocean
1.Ever wonder how researchers study corals? Follow PhD Student Walter Dellisanti as examines coral health.
你知道海洋科学家们“研究海洋”的方式有哪些吗?也许是在实验室中操作精密的仪器、也许是在电脑屏幕前演绎数字模型……或许还可以背上酷酷的潜水装备潜入水下?让我们一起听听香港城市大学的Walter Dellisanti介绍他是如何“研究海洋”的吧~
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2.Whales are some of the most beautiful and most loved animals in the ocean. And among the most unknown. Join researchers from the Guanxi Academy of Science (广西科学院), the Guanxi Beibu Gulf Ocean Research Center (广西北部湾海洋研究中心), and the Beibu Gulf Marine Mammal Research Group (广西北部湾海洋哺乳动物联合研究组) as they make an exciting discovery which demonstrates just how mysterious the ocean remains.
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3.Researchers have a unique view of the ocean. Listen as Dr. LIN Shuqi (林书琪) explains hers and what she's learned from studying the ocean.
研究人员眼中的海洋总是很不一样 的。下面的视频中,我们来看看加拿大皇后大学的Dr. LIN Shuqi (林书琪) 向我们展示的,科研人员眼中的海洋吧~
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4.How do researchers even begin to understand something as big as the ocean? How can they the millions of processes that occur daily? And just what do they do with all that data? Well, the key to any science is collaboration and with the advent of new technologies and methods of understanding big data, collaborating has never been better.
科学家们是如何了解、认识海洋的 呢?他们是如何监测每日变幻莫测的海洋动态、收集成千上万的数据?高新技术和手段给予我们了解海洋的更多机会,我们也需要通过技术、创新,来实现海洋的可持续发展。下面这段视频来自4166金沙之选主页通道海洋监测与信息服务中心。
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5.如果我告诉你,研究沉积物也有助于理解我们的气候状况,你是不是会感到大吃一惊?如果我告诉你,海底的沉积物更是如此,你敢不敢相信?下面,我们来听听4166金沙之选主页通道的海洋地质科学家Dr. Stephan Steinke来告诉我们其中的奥秘。
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6. 我们都知道海浪会 塑造海岸线,那你知道100年前的海岸线是怎样的吗?100000年前呢?1000000年前呢? 下面请听一下来自美国的Douglas Levin博士给我们讲述现代海岸线的前世今生。
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7. 我们都知道很多东西有弹性,但是,你听过“海岸带弹性”吗?当我们提到像海洋这样的生态系统的“弹性”,你们又知道这些“弹性”指的是什么吗?
下面,我们一起来跟随香港大学太古海洋研究所的Bayden Russell博士用例子给我们讲述海洋的“弹性”。
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1.Water has a been a source of inspiration for artists, writers, musicians, and performers for centuries. Whether it be a still pond at dusk or a raging ocean, there are countless works in every language. Listen to this reading of a classical Chinese poem by Du Fu and allow it to inspire you as well.
几百年来,“水”这个意象,一直是艺术家、作家、音乐家和演员等人的灵感来源。无论是夕阳西下黄昏时分安静的池塘,还是波涛汹涌的大海,都能在千千万万中外艺术作品中发现它们的踪迹。 下面这个视频来自一位中文超棒的 英国朋友Sam Smith,请听听他对杜甫《漫城一绝》的诵读。
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2.A Special Message from Alex Rendell, UNEP Ambassador for Thailand and Padi Ambassadiver, CEO of the Environmental Education Center (EEC) Thailand
重磅嘉宾——联合国规划署 (泰国办公室)大使, PADI官方微博潜水员形象大使,泰国环境教育中心(EEC)首席执行官Alex Rendell!
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