2015年10月27日,近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室高坤山教授课题组在Nature Communications发表研究论文,表明海洋酸化提高浮游植物苯酚类物质的含量及其食物链效应。
高坤山课题组通过研究钙化浮游植物(颗石藻类)在两种CO2浓度条件下(对照组: 395ppmv;酸化组:1000 ppmv)蛋白表达的差异,建立了如下科学假设:酸化促进该藻的 β-氧化、柠檬酸循环、糖酵解等代谢途径(图1)。为了验证该设想,该课题组通过微(30升)和中尺度(4000升)生态系统装置与设施,进一步研究发现,浮游植物群落苯酚类物质含量和呼吸速率(图2a, b),与对照相比,分别增加了46%-212%和130-160%。该结果显示,浮游植物,在高CO2/低pH条件下调整代谢途径,促进了苯酚类物质的合成,并通过其降解增加了细胞抵御酸性胁迫所需要的能量。
因为苯酚类物质有毒性,其在浮游植物中的累积,可能产生食物链效应。为此,该课题组将微、中尺度生态系统中生长的浮游植物,喂食浮游动物,发现浮游动物体内苯酚类物质含量也明显升高,与对照组相比,增加了28-48%(图2c, d)。
Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations are causing ocean acidification (OA), altering carbonate chemistry with consequences for marine organisms. Here we show that OA increases by 46 to 212% the production of phenolic compounds in phytoplankton grown under the elevated CO2 concentrations projected for the end of this century, compared to the ambient CO2 level. At the same time, mitochondrial respiration rate is enhanced at the elevated CO2 by 130-160% in a single species or mixed phytoplankton assemblage. When fed with phytoplankton cells grown under OA, zooplankton assemblages have significantly higher contents of phenolic compounds, by about 28-48%. The functional consequences of the increased accumulation of toxic phenolic compounds in primary and secondary producers have the potential to have profound consequences for marine ecosystem and seafood quality, with a possibility that fisheries industries could be influenced as a result of progressive ocean changes.
Peng Jin, Tifeng Wang, Nana Liu, Sam Dupont, John Beardall, Philip W. Boyd, Ulf Riebesell and Kunshan Gao. Ocean acidification increases the accumulation of toxic phenolic compounds across trophic levels. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9714.
Link to full text: http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2015/151027/ncomms9714/full/ncomms9714.html#affil-auth