2016年4月,董云伟教授课题组在《Diversity and Distributions》发表题为“The marine ‘great wall’ of China: local- and broad-scale ecological impacts of coastal infrastructure on intertidal macrobenthic communities”的研究论文,阐述了中国沿岸人工防护建筑对潮间带大型底栖生物群落的生态影响。
自2013年7月起,董云伟教授课题组在江苏沿岸的人工防护建筑及周边自然岩相潮间带进行原位大型底栖生物分布及多样性调查,结果表明,“新长城”上的生物多样性有上升的趋势,一些物种能够迅速占据“新长城”从而扩展它们的地理分布范围。三个岩石相潮间带常见物种(日本菊花螺Siphonaria japonica、中华滨螺Littoraria sinensis、短滨螺Littorina brevicula)在调查期间在这些人工硬基质结构上被发现,并在短时间内形成一定的种群规模。另外,对这三个物种进行生物系统地理学分析发现,三个物种在基因水平上均存在一定的南北隔离,但人工基质上的种群与南、北种群特别是南方种群均有一定联系。可见人工硬基质防护建筑的建设确实能为某些岩石相潮间带生物提供“跳板”,使得原本分隔的南北群体产生基因交流。

该研究结果于2016年4月发表于《Diversity and Distributions》(2012-2014三年IF:5.086):Dong Yunwei(董云伟)*, Huang Xiongwei(黄雄伟), Wang Wei(王伟), Li Yan(李炎) & Wang Jie(王杰). The marine ‘great wall’ of China: local- and broad-scale ecological impacts of coastal infrastructure on intertidal macrobenthic communities. Diversity and Distributions, 2016, DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12443. Article first published online: 5 APR 2016

Figure 1. Yangguang Island (YGD), Jiangsu Province. Inset: Littoraria sinensis on the concrete block.
Figure 2. (a) Fitted Poisson GLM curve with 95% confidence limit between macrobenthic species richness and distances from natural rocky shores; (b) Fitted Poisson GLM curve with 95% confidence limit between macrobenthic species richness and the age of artificial structures, within 10 years; Circles with different colors represented different dates, Purple: July, 2013; Yellow: January, 2014; Green: August, 2014; Cyan: January, 2015.

Figure 3. Spatial analysis of molecular variance (SAMOVA) in (a) S. japonica, (b) L. sinensis and (c) L. brevicula. All populations were divided into two groups (K = 2) for S. japonica and L. sinensis or three groups (K = 3) for L. brevicula. Difform points indicate different groups (see text for colors and abbreviations.